Welcome to helping those in need
We are for the people irrespective of race or circumstance, called to feed & cloth those in need.
What we do
+ Daily cooked Meals & Weekly soup kitchen
+ Clothing children & families.
+ Taking the destitute off the streets/ finding safe homes.
+ Helping along-side other community projects.
+ Helping in children's homes around our city.
+ Daily House visits/ ministering the word of God.
+ Equipping households with a solid biblical foundation.
+ Seek temporary homing for those in desperate need.
Our programme
+ Establish all the needs of the family ( Food, Jobs, Clothing, Family
+ Printing CV’s , Driving to Interviews, Clinic Visits.
+ Encourage the family to change their impoverished mind set and to rise up.
+ House visits three times a week to evaluate progress.
+ Change Lives for the better – long term, not just with a food parcel.
+ We are not a feeding scheme but feed Change, Hope and an Opportunity
To better life through a meal and empowering the family to self-sustain
Themselves after we leave.
+ Ending when all needs are met.
Helping those in Need, East London
We as husband and wife started this organization as a means of helping those in need. For many years we ourselves have faced great adversity struggling
to make ends meet and wondering if there will be a warm plate of food at the
end of each day.
We too have faced days of trying to end our lives (suicide) and almost the loss of our marriage, all due to poor choices in life.
Our hearts are for the people irrespective of race or circumstance, called to feed & cloth those in need. But at the same time minister, the gospel of hope & try to get people and families back on track through the power of our Lord Jesus Christ.- Helping those in need.
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